Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, ready to share another fabulously pink adventure with you. I'm absolutely buzzing after a trip to Saint Albans - the quintessential English town - and the stunning journey I took to get there.
This is the perfect time of year to get a taste of British Autumn: crisp air, vibrant russet leaves swirling around my ankles as I dashed towards the station, and that cosy feeling of the season settling in. Did I mention it was all made even better by the fact that I was sporting a brand new tutu? Yes, it’s true! A gorgeous one in a deep plum shade that almost felt like velvet - a perfect nod to the changing colours of nature and a delightful departure from my usual pinks (though don't worry, plenty of those still to come!)
Speaking of departures, my adventure began with a journey fit for a queen! I hopped aboard a vintage steam train, gliding through the heart of Derbyshire, my home county, where rolling hills were bathed in the soft, golden hues of the setting sun. It was magical! There’s just something so enchanting about travelling by train, you know? The rhythmic clackety-clack of the wheels on the track, the soft whistle as we pass through sleepy villages, and the sense of wonder as new horizons unfurl with every mile.
Then, when we arrived at Saint Albans, I indulged in another one of my favorite forms of transport – horses! Well, a charming, gentle carriage, really. Drawn by two handsome steeds, I was whisked through the ancient cobbled streets of the town. The sun was just starting to peek out from behind the clouds, casting long, delicate shadows, and the air was full of the sweet scent of freshly-baked bread coming from charming little cafes. It was like stepping out of a picture postcard.
Of course, no trip to Saint Albans is complete without a visit to the stunning St. Albans Cathedral, one of the grandest examples of Gothic architecture in England. It’s just magnificent! And it’s not only a breathtaking architectural wonder; its rich history truly draws you in. I couldn’t help but feel a connection to the countless souls who have passed through these very doors, their whispers still echoing through the centuries. I did a little ballet there too, just me and the angels - I think they approved!
Saint Albans also boasts a beautiful Roman heritage. We spent the afternoon exploring the ruins of Verulamium, the former Roman city, and imagined life in the heart of ancient Britain. I imagined Roman soldiers doing plies and arabesques! I always find history so inspiring and, to be honest, my mind instantly jumps to what dancing and tutus would have looked like back then!
After all that exploring, a delicious treat at a traditional tea room was a must. Strawberry jam and clotted cream, piled high on a scone – you just can't beat that combination! We finished off our afternoon with a gentle stroll through the beautiful Verulamium Park, and it’s amazing how nature and the architecture blend so seamlessly together. Every corner brought a new picture perfect photo op - and I swear my pink tutu looked better than ever amidst all that lush green foliage.
And what’s a trip to a new place without experiencing the local ballet scene, right? A truly spectacular dance performance awaits all ballet lovers at The Alban Arena. We enjoyed a beautiful, emotive evening of ballet, leaving me truly inspired and itching to return to the studio myself.
You know me, my darlings! Ballet is my true passion and seeing a live performance, surrounded by kindred spirits, really makes my heart sing! But more than that, it fills me with this overwhelming urge to spread the love and beauty of dance to the world, to see everyone wearing a pink tutu, twirling through life with the same joy and confidence I find in my own dance!
The magic of this town truly lived up to the hype. It was filled with so much character and beauty, and I simply couldn’t resist leaving my little pink tutu mark on the world. I decided to leave a little message on a wish tree in the park, expressing my desire to bring a touch of tutu-licious fun to Saint Albans. I have no doubt it'll be granted – watch this space!
I am determined, my dear friends, to keep spreading the magic of dance. And remember:
Life is better with a pink tutu.
Love always, * *Emma
P.S. Did you know that there are a whopping 367 different shades of pink in the world? And I’m determined to try them all!
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for a brand new pink adventure! And let me know what YOU love about ballet!
*You can find me on: * www.pink-tutu.com
Stay sparkly, darling!