Ooh, darling, hello from sunny Coventry! (Yes, even the midlands can have sunshine!) Today's been a whirl of twirls and train journeys - you see, your girl Emma was absolutely thrilled to be whisked off to the glittering West Midlands this morning, all for a delicious dose of ballet magic!
But let's rewind a little, shall we?
My day started, as it always does, with a glorious sunrise, a cup of English Breakfast tea, and some serious pre-ballet stretching. A quick, delicious breakfast of strawberries and yoghurt later, I donned my lucky pink tutu and grabbed my favourite ballet bag, complete with pink satin lining, and I was off! I just love travelling by train. You see, there’s just something utterly magical about speeding through the countryside with the wind rushing past your face! It truly does feel like you're taking flight, and let’s be honest, that's pretty close to my spirit animal - a swan! Just say no to long journeys by car, thank you very much - unless I’m driving with the top down, of course! Then, it’s another story…
My destination? A delightful ballet performance at the magnificent Coventry Theatre. Now, Coventry isn’t exactly known as a hotbed of pink fashion or ballerina chic, but you can rest assured, Emma’s on a mission to spread a bit of tutu-love, one shimmering city at a time! My dream would be to see everyone sporting a pink tutu one day – wouldn’t that be something? And don’t even get me started on the idea of the entire world taking a ballet class! (My brain melts just thinking about it. Isn't it gorgeous?)
So, on to the ballet! The performance itself was breathtaking. We were treated to a mix of classical pieces and modern choreography, which was just absolutely beautiful. It was incredible to see so much passion and grace on the stage, each step echoing the stories in their movement. You really have to see these dancers move to understand their language and feel their soul. There is just nothing quite like the feeling of the theatre coming alive through their dancing. It's a bit like watching nature unfold in a beautiful dance; the trees, the waves, the flight of the birds - the beauty is breathtaking! It just fills me with an incredible energy, like nothing else.
Speaking of beautiful nature, I even spotted a cheeky fox outside the theatre before heading in for the show! (How clever was that, eh?! He must have seen my tutu in the distance and realised a fabulous dancer was in town!) I have to say, a trip to the countryside without a bit of wildlife is just not complete. Even when it comes to squirrels who run off with my croissant, or mischievous seagulls trying to steal my picnic. It’s all part of the fun of life, don’t you think?
After the show, I went for a lovely stroll through the historic centre of Coventry, a charming place brimming with little independent shops, and yes, you guessed it… there’s a tiny but truly beautiful shop that just has to have a ‘Pink Tutu’ section (my lovely friends were thrilled to find it!). It's these moments, these tiny treasures I find along the way that I truly live for! Discovering those hidden little gems of magic! I have to say, I’m a wee bit obsessed with finding hidden nooks in cities to discover some real charms! Oh, the delight I feel as a true treasure hunter. You can find the best of things, especially if you allow yourself to see the beauty in all the nooks and crannies!
I was, however, quite surprised to learn about Coventry’s famous “Lady Godiva” legend. You know the story, I'm sure. You've got your galloping lady with long, flowing hair and a bit of courage, don't you?! Well, it turns out that “Lady Godiva” was apparently an extraordinary, independent woman with a strong moral compass. She had a reputation for courage and integrity – not the things you'd normally expect to be whispered about a royal lady! And honestly, it was inspiring to think that, all the way back then, there was a woman like her, paving the way with bold steps! Imagine that! Her story feels very "Tutu Blog" don't you think? I mean, come on, I love everything about her story! And anyway, my fellow bloggers, what do you think about all that? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below, darling! I'd love to hear from you!
But before I head back to my little corner of Derbyshire tomorrow morning, let me leave you with some inspirational thoughts to keep you in the mood of a happy ballerina all weekend. Just remember… there's no such thing as a “bad” dance move, darlings! It's all about moving with the music and finding joy in every leap! And you know what? You’ve all got your own unique sparkle within you! And, you know what's just as fun as the ballet? Try out wearing a pink tutu with your favorite skirt, jeans, or leggings! The 'Tutu Blogger' looks forward to hearing from you and finding out if it gave you the ballerina spark, darling. It will definitely put a smile on my face, too. *Remember to share a picture of your fun with us all in our wonderful Pink Tutu world!
Have a magical day, and stay fabulous! Until next time...
Love, Emma xoxoxo